Achieving Ukraine's Agricultural Potential : Stimulating Agricultural Growth and Improving Rural Life, Part 2. Evaluation of Support to Ukrainian Agriculture - Methodology and Detailed Tables
This study provides a review of the foodand agricultural sector in Ukraine. It assesses the currentstatus of the food and agricultural sector with specialreference to the agricultural policy regime and the form andlevel of government support to the sector. The paper reviewsthe sector's readiness to compete on open globalmarkets for food and agricultural products. Given theimportance and sensitivity of the food and agriculturesector in the country, the report highlights a number ofcritical issues for the Ukrainian government to address. Thereport goes beyond the narrower focus of the agriculturalpolicies and reviews the status of current rural physicaland social infrastructure and issues of rural poverty. TheExecutive Summary highlights policy recommendations forUkrainian policymakers, while the individual chaptersprovide technical analysis on key policy issues.