This report is structured in threevolumes: competition provisions; environment provisions; andlabor mobility provisions. The main messages of this threevolumes are as follows: 1) competition laws and policies areincreasingly being established at the regional level, asthey could be instrumental in supporting the benefits oftrade and investment liberalization; 2) China may want touse the opportunity of these negotiations to: (a) furtherdiscipline its state-owned enterprises;(b) carefullyconsider the possible role of antidumping policies; and (c)promote and lock-in domestic reforms aimed at improving itsdomestic competition policies; 3) with a shift of thedevelopment agenda from primarily pursuing growth toachieving a more balanced and sustainable development andtaking into account China's high reliance on trade, itmay be increasingly in China's interest to pro-activelyengage its partners on environmental issues in its regionaltrade agreement (RTA) negotiations; and 4) while the worldeconomy stands to gain massively from liberalization in themobility of labor, adverse popular reaction to the economicand social impacts of immigrants has kept progress inenhancing global labor mobility well below progress in tradeand capital liberalization.