The objectives of this policy note aretwofold: first, take stock of where Bangladesh stands interms of achieving the Education For All (EFA) goals; andsecond, suggest policy recommendations that could helpBangladesh to meet the EFA goals by 2015. The policy notewill focus mainly on: 1) universal primary enrollment forall children; 2) universal primary completion; 3) genderparity in education; 4) adult literacy; and 5) quality ofeducation. This is because these areas can be moremeaningfully analyzed with reasonably reliable informationfrom various sources. Bangladesh is unlikely to achieveuniversal primary enrollment and completion by 2015 if thecurrent trends in access and completion do not improve.Progress in school quality is more difficult to assessbecause of the lack of systematic assessment and monitoringof learning achievement results. The government continues tobe the main provider and financer of primary education.Improving the overall quality of schooling is a pressingtask in order to substantially raise enrollment and helpmore children complete primary school with the appropriateskills in literacy and numeracy. Bangladesh has madeprogress towards increasing both primary and secondaryenrollment and has already reached gender parity in botheducation levels.