The World Bank is supporting a number ofinitiatives to rationalize the downstream oil sector ofSub-Saharan African countries. Such initiatives include thephasing-out of leaded gasoline (part of the pollutionreduction programs), the harmonization of fuels technicalspecifications between countries in the same region, and theprograms to improve urban air quality. This report examinesongoing visible malpractice and the lack of rigorousmonitoring and implementing of accepted petroleum productstandards in Sub-Saharan Africa in general, and especiallyin West Africa. Since many countries in the Gulf of Guineaare either supplied from Societe International de Raffinage(SIR) in Cote D'Ivoire or from Societe Africaine deRaffinage (SAR) in Senegal, and since Senegal serves itsdomestic market as well as those of Gambia, Guinea Bissau,Sierra Leone, Liberia, Mauritania, and Mali (and given thetense situation in Cote D'Ivoire), the report looks atthe case of Senegal and SAR first, and then drawspreliminary lessons from there, for the sub-region. Alongwith assessing the risk of malpractice in the downstream oilindustry in Senegal, the report takes stock of the currentprocesses and procedures to prevent, monitor, and punishabuses; and proposes an adapted detailed action plan toimprove them. This work focuses on the automotive fuels andthe industrial diesel oil, excluding the fuel oils andbutane present on the Senegalese market.