Alcohol abuse is one of the leadingcauses of death and disability worldwide. Alcohol abuse isresponsible for 4 percent of global deaths and disability,nearly as much as tobacco and five times the burden ofillicit drugs (WHO). In developing countries with lowmortality, alcohol is the leading risk factor for males,causing 9.8 percent of years lost to death and disability.Alcohol abuse contributes to a wide range of social andhealth problems, including depression, injuries, cancer,cirrhosis, dependence, family disruption, and loss of workproductivity. Health and social problems from drinking oftenaffect others besides the drinker. While men do the bulk ofthe drinking worldwide, women disproportionately suffer theconsequences, including alcohol related domestic violenceand reduced family budgets. Heavy alcohol use takes aparticular toll on the young, and has been linked to highrates of youthful criminal behavior, injury, and impairedability to achieve educational qualifications. Many deathsand much disease and suffering could be prevented byreducing alcohol use and related problems. The mosteffective approach to reduce alcohol-related problems is toimplement a comprehensive set of measures to reduce alcoholconsumption and related problems. Policy options includeprice increases, restrictions on availability, strongdrink-driving legislation and ready access to treatment.Some countries have succeeded in reducing per capitaconsumption substantially, and consequently have reducedliver cirrhosis deaths, a common indicator ofalcohol-related problems in a society. Efforts to reducealcohol consumption and related problems face formidableobstacles: alcohol dependence; social pressures; aggressivealcohol marketing and promotion; other pressing healthproblems competing for limited resources. The overall trendis towards stricter laws and increased enforcement in someareas such as drinking-driving. Provision of treatment fordrinking problems has increased in many places in recent decades.