The Nigerian LP Gas Sector ImprovementStudy of 2004, produced by the Oil and Gas Policy Divisionwith ESMAP funding, lead the Program to draw the lessonslearned from the study and to envisage replicating thisexercise elsewhere in the Africa Region. The objective ofthe Nigerian study had been to: (i) investigate and identifyreasons for the failure of the LPG market in Nigeria to liveup to its potential, (ii) develop a strategy for revivingNigeria s domestic LPG market, and (iii) expand LPGavailability to more consumers including to the poor. Thestated quantified objective was to reach the Regional annualaverage of per capita consumption of 3.4 kg per capita inNigeria s urban areas, within a reasonable timeframe. Inlight of the successful outcome of the Nigerian LPG SectorImprovement Study, it has been suggested that lessonslearned there should tentatively be applied to othercountries likely to benefit from similar investigative andanalytical work. Two countries, Cameroon and Ghana, wereselected and their current and projected LPG markets wereanalyzed. They are reported in Volume I (Cameroon) andVolume II (Ghana).