Sustained improvements in livingstandards depend on broad-based economic growth. This willonly take place when firms improve worker productivity byinvesting in human and physical capital and increasing theirtechnological capacity. But firms will only invest when theinvestment climate is favorable. The goal of the BulgariaInvestment Climate Assessment (ICA) is to evaluate theinvestment climate in all its operational dimensions and topromote policies to strengthen the private sector. The ICAis largely based on results from the World Bank EnterpriseSurvey. The 1,000-firm survey was conducted in late 2007 andcollects detailed information on firm performance, whatmanagers see as the main obstacles that they face, andobjective data on various aspects of the investment climate.Additional sources of information are used to supplement thesurvey data, including the World Bank's Doing BusinessReport, a study that provides detailed, comparable data onregulation across the world, data from the NationalStatistical Institute, and reports from the Government ofBulgaria, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund,the European Union, academics, and other sources.