Malaria is a treatable and preventabledisease yet it remains a major challenge to achieving theMillennium Development Goals in Africa. It is not only aserious health problem, but an issue that cripplesdevelopment. Every year, malaria infects more than 500million people around the world and is one of the leadingcauses of child deaths on in Africa, with 3,000 childrendying from it every day. It is estimated that malaria costsAfrica $12 billion a year in direct costs and lostproductivity. The key features of the Booster Program arethe following: (i) support for country-led operations toreduce illnesses and avoidable deaths from malaria whileimproving the capacity for service delivery; (ii) emphasison both effective scale-up of critical disease controlinterventions and the strengthening of health systems; (iii)partnerships to broker global agreements and support countryled programs; (iv) monitoring results against monies spent;and v) knowledge generation and innovations to financeglobal public goods for malaria control. Due in part to theefforts of the Booster Program, countries and regions areclosing gaps in their health systems and employingspringboard for the ultimate goal of eradicating malaria.