The Economic Evaluation Notes arearranged in three groups. The first group (TRN-6 to TRN-10)provides criteria for selection a particular evaluationtechnique or approach; the second (TRN-11 to TRN-17)addresses the selection of values of various inputs to theevaluation, and the third (TRN-18 to TRN-26) deals withspecific problematic issues in economic evaluation. TheNotes are preceded by a Framework (TRN-5), that provides thecontext within which we use economic evaluation in thetransport sector. Transport projects have an impact not onlyon citizens and businesses, but on governments - central,regional and local. Financing and managing the project willplace demands on the government's capital and currentaccounts. Whether these demands are greater or smaller, andhow they are phased over time, will depend on the financingmechanisms used and the extent to which the public sector isinvolved. Alternative approaches for private finance andmanagement are described in the World Bank's'Public-Private Options' toolkit. In this note, weconsider how the appraisal should take the financial effectsinto account, and how they fit within the appraisal results,as described in the Framework.