International Finance Corporation (IFC)Private Enterprise Partnership (PEP) has developed thefollowing methodology to measure and attribute the economicimpact of its national-level business enabling environment(BEE) regulatory simplification projects in Eastern Europeand Central Asia. By comparing specific aspects of thebusiness environment before and after IFC-supported reformsare enacted by the government, it is possible to quantifythe benefits accruing to the target population, i.e., theaggregate cost savings to businesses. This effort toquantify the benefits of regulatory improvements has beenwelcomed by both government counterparts and IFC PEP'sdonor partners. Using this methodology, IFC PEP hasestimated an aggregate cost savings of US$84 million forbusinesses in its focus countries. The developed methodologyis relevant throughout the project life-cycle and can be auseful tool for engaging and motivating key stakeholders to reform.