Timor-Leste started as an independentcountry facing some very difficult challenges. The countrywas extremely short of skilled human resources and remainsso. It faced the challenge of moving from the inheritedIndonesian legal system to a new legal system based on thelusophone tradition. Added to this was the adoption ofPortuguese as a new official language. Good work has beendone by the Government and the Parliament in addressing theconstraints and creating the building blocks of the legaland regulatory framework needed for competitive andequitable private sector development. In setting itsdevelopment agenda for the business regulatory environmentwe recommend that the Government take account of therealities in Timor-Leste by adopting several key guidingprinciples: accept that everything cannot be done at once. ;accept the reality that institutions cannot be builtovernight; adopt pragmatic solutions which take this factinto account and minimize the administrative burden; inbuilding institutions, focus on those that are identified asbottlenecks and impediments to private sector investment andgrowth; enlist the support and resources available in theprivate sector, not only in diagnosing problems but also indevising and implementing pragmatic solutions; and makemaximum use of the support available from the donors andother external sources to support this agenda.