India is the largest groundwater user inthe world, with an estimated usage of around 230 cubickilometers per year, more than a quarter of the globaltotal. With more than 60 percent of irrigated agricultureand 85 percent of drinking water supplies dependent on it,groundwater is a vital resource for rural areas in India.Reliance of urban and industrial waste supplies ongroundwater is also becoming increasingly significant inIndia. Through the construction of millions of privatewells, there has been a phenomenal growth in theexploitation of groundwater in the last five decades. Thepotential social and economic consequences of continued weakor nonexistent groundwater management are serious, asaquifer depletion is concentrated in many of the mostpopulated and economically productive areas. Theimplications are disturbing for attainment of the millenniumdevelopment goals, for sustaining economic growth and locallivelihoods, and for environmental and fiscalsustainability. The consequences will be most severe for thepoor. Furthermore, climate change will put additional stresson groundwater resources; while at the same time will havean unpredictable impact on groundwater recharge and availability.