This paper discusses the role of thepostal network in expanding access to financial services inKazakhstan. It reviews the public postal operator within thepostal sector and within the broader context of thecommunications sector. The roles of the postal network andstate and privately-owned banks are also reviewed from theperspective of the financial sector development, withparticular focus on payments systems development andmicrofinance. While this country case on Kazakhstan canstand alone, it is an integral part of this large study ofthe potential of postal networks to coordinate withfinancial service providers in 7 countries (Egypt,Kazakhstan, Namibia, Romania, Sri Lanka, Uganda, andVietnam) and 5 regions (Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe andCentral Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and theMiddle East and Northern Africa). Within Central Asia andthe other countries of the former Soviet Union,Kazakhstan's postal network is widely regarded as aleader and pioneer in postal innovation, setting an examplefor other postal operators in the region. An in-depthassessment of Kazakhstan's postal network developmentoptions could also be a model to guide other postal networks.