The local case studies for projects indifferent sectors were prepared to document the bottleneckswhich occurred during the various processes involved in thelife cycle of infrastructure projects. Identifying suchprocesses allows a better understanding of the capacityconstraints in planning, designing, programming,procurement, contract administration, financing andbudgeting, execution, and other stages in a project cycle.The case studies clearly demonstrate the presence of deeprooted systematic problems related to: (1) inadequate clientcapacity to plan, procure, program, administer, and manageprojects; (2) imbalanced conditions of contracts; (3) flawedprocurement procedures (pre-qualification, bid evaluation,negotiations, and re-negotiations with the lowest bidder)causing significant delays; (4) mismatched project fundingneeds and actual availability of funds; (5) commencement ofprojects without ensuring that required funds are in place;(6) delay in making running payments; (7) insufficient timegiven for detailed design and variations in contract due toinadequacies in design; (8) limited capacity of localcontractors; and (9) poor international bid response in megaprojects related to credibility issues.