This short country report, a result oflarger Information for Development Program(infoDev)-supported survey of the Information andCommunication Technologies (ICT) in education in Africa,provides a general overview of current activities and issuesrelated to ICT use in education in the country. Thepenetration levels of ICTs in Zambia's educationinstitutions remains low, with those schools that areequipped mostly utilizing second-hand and refurbishedcomputers. The integration of ICTs in learning and teachingpractice has been limited, although the introduction ofcomputer studies as a school study subject has begun tochange this. The recent adoption of a national ICT policy,as well as the development of a draft ICT policy foreducation and an associated implementation framework,provides an enabling policy environment to promote fargreater access and use of ICTs across all sectors ofZambia's education system, including a system forenhancing education management, administration, and teachingand learning. While the goals and targets set in thesepolicy documents seem realistic, realizing them within theestablished time frames remains a challenge.