This report presents lessons from apilot project that supported undertaking of strategicenvironmental assessment (SEA) of the Socio- EconomicDevelopment Master Plan for Red River Delta (hereafter RRDSEDMP). This SEA has been conducted by a internal workinggroup which operated within the Development StrategyInstitute (DSI) which is a planning arm of the Ministry ofPlanning and Investment (MPI) of the Socialist Republic ofVietnam. The SEA tested an assessment methodologyrecommended in the draft MPI Guidelines for SEA ofSocio-Economic Development Strategies, Master Plans andPlans. The entire SEA process was facilitated by the WorldBank and was supported by one International Consultant andtwo Local Consultants (see chapter 1 for details). Thereport summarizes the key strengths and weaknesses of thispilot SEA. The pilot SEA has generated several lessonsregarding SEA methodology and process management in specificconditions of Vietnam.