For the past six years, the State ofAndhra Pradesh in India has been at the vanguard of effortsto modernize the economy and the state while pursuingpolicies to improve the lives of the poorest. The ChiefMinister and head of the ruling Telugu Desam Party (TDP),Mr. Chandra Babu Naidu, is known by some as the "LaptopMinister" for his modernizing initiatives. He hasreached out to international organizations and investors buthas also maintained his base of support at home, in partthrough expanded programs in education, health, and ruraldevelopment. "I have initiated so many things,"Naidu said. "They are going on and will pay off aftersome time. But people need something today." Thechallenges facing the government are daunting. AndhraPradesh (AP) is one of the largest and poorest states inIndia. Its population of almost 80 million approaches thatof the Philippines, the 13th most populous country in theworld. Even as its high-tech industries develop rapidly,AP's overall literacy rate remains a modest 44% andone-third of the population lives in poverty.