The Niger Delta is one of theworld's largest wetlands and includes by far thelargest mangrove forest in Africa. Within this extremelyvaluable ecosystem, oil activities are widespread - RiversState and Delta State produce 75 percent of Nigeria'spetroleum, which represents over 50 percent of nationalgovernment revenues. However, despite its vast oil reserves,the region remains poor. Gross National product (GNP) percapita is below the national average of US$280. Optimalresource and land use in the region is constrained by a lackof development, stagnant agricultural productivity, verylimited opportunities in urban areas, rapid populationgrowth, the generally poor health of the expandingpopulation and tenuous property rights. Conflicts havedeveloped between local communities and private and publicdevelopers over resource ownership and use, particularlytied to oil activities. This study, Defining AnEnvironmental Development Strategy for the Niger Delta,attempts to move beyond emotive arguments to provide ananalytical basis for substantive stakeholder discussion ofthe most critical environmental and social issues andpossible interventions. It offers a comprehensive assessmentof the environmental issues in the Delta and resultingsocial impacts. The report was developed based on aninnovative and highly participatory process which emphasizedbeneficiary consultation and collaboration to ensure local ownership.