Urbanization is occurring rapidly inMelanesia at 3-4 percent per annum. Due to unaffordable landand housing in formal urban areas, new migrants settle onmarginal land without formal legal titles (‘informalsettlements’). These settlements are growing and newsettlements are emerging within and on the outskirts oftowns and cities across Melanesia, at a rate that outpacesefforts to serve them. Settlements in the Melanesiancapitals of Suva, Port Vila, Honiara, and Port Moresbycomprise 20 percent-45 percent of the city population and atcurrent urbanization rates will be between 30 percent and 65percent by 2023. Information about informal settlements isscarce. This report provides a rapid review of water andsanitation services in the informal settlements in andaround the capital cities of Solomon Islands, Fiji, Vanuatu,and Papua New Guinea.