Emissions Trading Registries : Guidance on Regulation, Development and Administration
Partnership for Market Readiness ; Forest Carbon Partnership Facility
World Bank, Washington, DC
关键词: climate change;    greenhouse gas emissions;    carbon pricing;    carbon trading;    climate finance;   
RP-ID  :  109027
来源: World Bank Open Knowledge Repository
【 摘 要 】

The issues around the environmentalintegrity of international market mechanisms have gained agreat deal of attention in the wake of the Paris Agreement.In addition, with the agreement on market-based measures forinternational aviation being reached, these issues arelikely to gain even more prominence in countries’ efforts toprepare for the implementation of international marketmechanisms. In a context where inaccurate accounting is oneof the environmental integrity risks associated with marketmechanisms, an emissions trading registry is critical foravoiding “double counting”—the situation where a single GHGemission reduction or removal is used more than once todemonstrate compliance with mitigation targets. An emissionstrading registry is an online database that issues, records,and tracks the carbon units that are exchanged within marketmechanisms or financed through Results-Based Climate Financeprograms. Given the length of time and capacity needed forthe development of a registry, it is essential for countriesthat are in the process of designing market mechanisms tofactor in specific regulatory, administrative, functional,and technical aspects of registry development. Against thisbackdrop, and to further facilitate future registry designand implementation, this report provides policy makers andother stakeholders with technical insights and guidance onhow to support country-specific decision making andactivities related to registry development.

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