Carbon Market Clubs and the New Paris Regime
Brewer, Thomas L. ; Derwent, Henry ; Błachowicz, Andrzej ; Grubb, Michael
World Bank, Washington, DC
关键词: carbon policy;    carbon trading;    Paris Agreement;    climate change;    climate change mitigation;   
RP-ID  :  110777
来源: World Bank Open Knowledge Repository
【 摘 要 】

The objective of this paper is toexamine the possible relationships between climate clubs andsystems and services developed to enable the smoothfunctioning of Emissions Trading Schemes (ETSs), linkedpairs of ETSs and networks of ETSs coming together invarious formations that can be described as Carbon MarketsClubs (CMCs). The paper examines the compatibility of CMCsystems with different forms of climate clubs or club-likearrangements, and considers how climate clubs using CMCservices could contribute to the development of carbonmarkets internationally and to climate change mitigation.The paper focuses on: (a) how CMC components andinfrastructure might assist those climate clubs that haveshared emissions reduction or lower-emissionsper-unit-of-growth as an overt objective, and (b) clubarrangements that include relatively small memberships andor provisions for incentives that affect participation andcompliance. This paper is arranged as follows: Section 1 isthe Introduction; Section 2 of the paper presents the coreconcepts and messages of two strands of the club literaturethat have emerged in climate change studies; In Section 3,the features of climate clubs and club-like arrangements areintegrated into a discussion of CMCs initiative, includingthe potential of linkages among diverse entities; andSection 4 has the conclusions.

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