The Government of Kenya recognizes thatthe performance of the furniture sector is crucial both toemployment and growth in the country. The Ministry ofIndustrialization and Enterprise Development (MOIED)therefore requested an analysis of both the furniture andtimber sectors, in order to understand their current stateof development, their main constraints, and theinterventions necessary to accelerate their growth. Theobjective of this report is to provide a comprehensivevalue-chain analysis of the Kenyan furniture industry,including the timber sub-sector, in order to assess policyoptions available to the MOIED and recommend criticalinterventions to stimulate the industry’s development. Bysituating Kenya’s furniture industry within the global andregional context, this paper also aims to identify ways inwhich to boost Kenya’s competiveness in the East Africanmarkets and beyond. The analysis in this report is largelyfocused on the wooden furniture sector (versus plastics,composites, and other furniture). The bulk of Kenya’sfurniture industry is focused on wood, and Kenya has acompetitive advantage in wood relative to South Africa,Asian countries, and Europe, which have very competitivevalue chains in furniture made from other materials.