The Philippines has made significantprogress in empowering women and in advancing genderequality. The government's policy on gender equalityand women's empowerment has prioritized women'seconomic empowerment, advancing human rights and enhancinggender-responsive local governance. All these priorityconcerns are integral components of poverty reductionprograms in the Philippines. The Philippines has madesignificant progress in empowering women and in advancinggender equality. Since the government introduced aconstitution in 1987 affirming the equality of women, it haspursued a number of initiatives to mainstream genderconcerns in national policies and programs. A developmentplan for women was launched in 1987, followed by a plan forgender-responsive development, 1995-2025, coordinated by theNational Commission on the Role of Filipino women. In 2004,the commission drafted a framework plan for women thatidentify three priority concerns to meet the objectives ofgender equality and women's empowerment: economicempowerment of women, protection and fulfillment ofwomen's human rights, and gender-responsive governance.Projects that support these priorities will facilitate moreequitable development across the Philippines, includingsupporting the full participation of women in politicalprocesses and governance in the international and nationallocal level, strengthening gender-sensitive and inclusiveprograms and mechanisms with civil society, and increasingwomen's access to economic resources such as capital,technology, information, markets, and training.