In May 2015, the Boyner Group, in ajoint initiative with the International Finance Corporation(IFC), launched the Boyner Group’s good for businessprogram, working with female managers and owners ofcompanies that are suppliers to the Boyner Group. Theprogram is part of Boyner Group’s broader goal of promotingequal opportunity for men and women and establishing genderequality within the company and its supply chain. Women-ledcompanies make up 17 percent of all direct suppliers to theBoyner Group. The program aims to raise their productivityand business performance, building the participants’capacity through classroom training, coaching, guestlectures, and access to market opportunities throughnetworking events, and a vendor fair. After the successfulcompletion of the pilot phase, the Boyner Group good forbusiness program aims to engage more of its female suppliersthrough further sessions of the program. The objective ofthis study is to inspire and inform corporates, donors, andothers interested in developing similar programs and toshare some of the learning from the pilot phase of the goodfor business program.