This note analyzes household survey dataand firm-level data to measure gender gaps inemploymentoutcomes over the past 15 years and shed light onthe degree to which economic growth has translated into moreand better jobs for men and women, and the relative impacton each group. The analysis relies primarily on micro-leveldata from the annual Encuesta Permanente de Hogares for 2001through 2016, the Encuesta Continua de Empleo for 2010-2014,the Censo Economico 2011, a census of firms, and the 2015-16Encuesta de Empresas, a follow-up firm survey. Patterns inlabor supply and its correlates will be examined usinghousehold-level data, and the analysis will consider howgender and other worker characteristics are related to labormarket outcomes. In addition, this note explores the degreeto which private sector labor demand and firm productivitydiffer by gender; this is done using firm-level data toexamine the drivers of firm performance and employmentgrowth. The remainder of this note is structured as follows.Section 2 examines recent socio-demographic trends that haveaffected the number of women entering the labor market inParaguay. Section 3 looks at gender differentials in labormarket outcomes relating to work status, sector ofemployment and earnings, inter alia. Section 4 considers thegender composition of labor demand by private sector firms,and section 5 concludes with a discussion of policy optionsfor the future.