The Pilot Reintegration Project of theRepublic of South Sudan’s National DDR Program (NDDRP) wasconducted with the overall aim to test reintegrationapproaches and modalities, and to develop actionable lessonsthat can inform and improve the Republic of South Sudan’sfuture DDR programming. Reintegrating ex-combatants intocivilian life is a major challenge and in fact the keymeasure of a DDR program success. Managed by the WorldBank’s Transitional Demobilization and Reintegration Program(TDRP) in close coordination with the National DDRCommission (NDDRC) and through financial support fromKreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW), the reintegrationpilot was conducted in three phases from April 2013-October2014. The current events in South Sudan underscore theimportance of DDR to the country and its connection to thenation’s overall development. As such, it is critical thatthe country continue and invigorate its work in developing anationally-led well-designed and well-implemented DDRprogram. The learnings from this pilot as well as the toolsdeveloped are relevant and timely as these contribute to thedevelopment of an effective and realistic full National DDR Program.