Bridging the Atlantic is a descriptivestudy of Brazil's involvement with counterparts inSub-Saharan Africa through knowledge exchange, trade, andinvestments. The objective of the study is to understandthese relations better with the intent to forge concrete andmutually beneficial partnerships between Brazil andSub-Saharan Africa. Brazil and Sub-Saharan Africa arenatural partners, with at one point a shared geography andlater a shared history. Since the turn of the twentiethcentury, Africa has become one of the major fronts ofBrazil's international agenda. Africa is rapidlychanging and Brazil has expressed growing interest insupporting and taking part in African development. The studyincludes a narrative of the shared history between Braziland Africa, as well as a description of Brazilian foreigndirect investment and trade with Africa. It ends withrecommendations made by the World Bank to strengthen thecooperation between Brazil and Sub-Saharan Africa.