The World Bank and The United NationsChildren's Fund (UNICEF) jointly developed this reportto calculate the potential human and economic benefits to begained from increasing nutrition investments in the KyrgyzRepublic. This report provides compelling evidence of thepotential to improve health and economic outcomes throughscaling up effective nutrition interventions and introducingnew proven interventions to reduce the direct causes ofunder nutrition in order to support the Kyrgyzgovernment's commitment to the well-being andprosperous future of the Kyrgyz people. This situationalanalysis examines and quantifies the scope of undernutrition in the Kyrgyz Republic by presenting: (1) theepidemiology of under nutrition; (2) an estimate of thehealth consequences of under nutrition in terms of mortalityand disability adjusted life years (DALYs), and the economiclosses due to lost workforce and productivity; (3) thehealth, social protection, and agriculture and foodintervention systems relevant to delivering interventionsfor improving nutrition; (4) the current coverage ofnutrition interventions; and (5) the potential economicgains achievable by scaling up effective nutritioninterventions. The current context is very favorable forscaling up nutrition interventions in the Kyrgyz Republic.Investing in nutrition has increasingly proven to haveexcellent development and health returns. The internationaldevelopment community has recognized (1) the need to scaleup nutrition interventions; (2) the potential forpublic-private partnerships; and, (3) a growing consensusaround a common framework for action. Reducing undernutrition worldwide is a priority for the World Bank andUNICEF, and also critical to achieving the MillenniumDevelopment Goals (MDGs).