Population aging is a global issue thatis either affecting or will soon affect virtually everycountry around the world. With large numbers of older peopleexperiencing significant losses of intrinsic capacity,leading a dignified and meaningful life is often onlypossible with the care and support of others. Long-term care(LTC) has therefore become one of the most rapidlydeveloping policy areas in OECD countries, where significantinstitutional change and innovation have taken place overthe last two decades. Governance and finance arrangementsfor the delivery of LTC differ between countries. LTC in theNetherlands, Germany, Japan, The Republic of Korea, theScandinavian countries (Sweden, Denmark and Finland),England, the United States, France1 were selected to coverdifferences between systems. However, across the differentsystems debates about intergenerational and stateresponsibilities are increasing evident. The paper deliversan up-to date assessment of design parameters and capturesthe measures being taken to build financial sustainabilityinto LTC policy and program reforms. Rapid population agingin low and middle income countries (LMICs) will inevitablygenerate an increased demand for long-term care (LTC)services. Research and practical experience from high incomecountries – and the very diverse patterns of LTC in terms offunding mechanism, the balance of formal and informalservices, the degree of state participation, and the overalllevel of provision – hold important lessons.