The objective of this study is torespond to the overarching question posed for theIndependent Evaluation Group's (IEG) evaluation of theWorld Bank Group's (WBG) experience with safeguards andsustainability policies (1999-2008), based on experience ofthe Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (IEG 2010): howeffective has the safeguards policy framework of the WBGbeen in preventing and mitigating adverse environmental andsocial impacts? The study is organized in four Chapters.Chapter one introduces the objective of the study, outlinesthe evolution of the Multilateral Investment GuaranteeAgency's (MIGA) sustainability framework, summarizeshighlights from earlier evaluations and describes theapproach for the study. Chapter two reviews MIGA'simplementation of the sustainability framework'sprocesses, including the projects initial screening andreview, monitoring and supervision. Chapter three reviewsthe outcomes from MIGA's implementation of itsenvironmental and social policies, to the extent that theycan be discerned from the available information. Chapterfour presents some concluding reflections.