An Integrated Framework for Jobs in Fragile and Conflict Situations
World Bank Group
World Bank, Washington, DC
关键词: jobs;    fragile states;    labor market;    labor skills;   
RP-ID  :  108777
来源: World Bank Open Knowledge Repository
【 摘 要 】

Jobs are a high priority for developmentand stability in fragile and conflict-affected situations.Jobs contribute to poverty reduction, productivity andeconomic growth, and can promote social cohesion and reducethe risk of violence. However, the jobs environment isparticularly challenging in situations affected byfragility, conflict, and violence (FCV), with variouscombinations of high political, economic and social risks,weak institutional capacity, a difficult political economy,and significant constraints on financial resources tosupport recovery and reconstruction. Thus, fragilesituations have an urgent need for well-structuredassistance to address these challenges and create jobopportunities. To help strengthen its engagement on jobs inFCV, the World Bank Group (WBG) has developed an integratedjobs framework. The purpose of this note is to describe theframework, which has been adapted from the WBG’s generaljobs framework to incorporate the above dimensions offragility and instability, and to outline the policy andoperational implications for both the short and long run.Ultimately, the aim is to improve the support the WBG canoffer to expand job opportunities across the range of FCV contexts.

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