When Do Gender Wage Differences Emerge? : A Study of Azerbaijan's Labor Market
Pastore, Francesco ; Sattar, Sarosh ; Sinha, Nistha ; Tiongson, Erwin R.
World Bank, Washington, DC
DOI  :  10.1596/1813-9450-7613
RP-ID  :  WPS7613
来源: World Bank Open Knowledge Repository
【 摘 要 】

Building on recent analyses that find asizeable overall gender wage gap in Azerbaijan'sworkforce, this paper uses data on young workers in theirearly years in the labor market to understand how genderwage gaps evolve over time, if at all. The paper uses aunique database from a survey of young people ages 15–29years. The analysis provides evidence that new labor marketentrants begin with little or no gender differences inearnings, but a wage gap gradually emerges over time closerto the childbearing years. The gender wage gap grows fromvirtually zero, or even a small, positive gap in favor ofwomen, until age 20 years, to about 20 percent two yearslater and even more than 30 percent at age 29 years. The gapin labor supply rises from almost zero to about 20 percentduring the years from 19 to 22, while the gap in hoursworked falls from positive (up to six hours per week morethan their male counterparts) to negative (up to five hoursper week less) over the same period in the life cycle. Whendecomposing the gap at different deciles of the wagedistribution, it appears that most of it is at the lower andupper ends of the distribution, among young adults andprime-age workers. Selection of women into employment isstrong and strongly skill-based: when controlling for sampleselection bias, the gender gap becomes positive.

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