This report is the final product of afollow-up study undertaken after the completion of thecomparative analysis of organization and performance ofcotton sectors in Sub-Saharan Africa, a study published bythe World Bank in 2008. The objective of this complementarystudy is to assess the advantages and disadvantages of themain available technologies to separate the lint from theraw cotton, roller ginning and saw ginning, and carry out aneconomic analysis of the respective benefits of these twotechnologies for cotton producing countries of Sub-SaharanAfrica. The study shows that the choice of ginningtechnology is an important factor of performance and is inturn influenced by the cotton sector structure. The type ofginning technology also has an impact on lint quality, and,as roller ginning is less damaging to the fiber than sawginning, it can generate a price premium. The overalleconomic advantage of roller gins vs. saw gins appears to besignificant in the Sub-Saharan African context, and likelyto increase in the future as the demand for quality isbecoming more and more stringent. Thus, although there aretechnical and organizational issues to address in order tofully capture the benefits of the technology, theintroduction of roller ginning is likely to improve thecompetitiveness of African cotton and facilitate thetransition towards more competitive cotton sectors.