Regional Dimensions of Recent Weakness in Investment : Drivers, Investment Needs and Policy Responses
Vashakmadze, Ekaterine ; Kambou, Gerard ; Chen, Derek ; Nandwa, Boaz ; Okawa, Yoki ; Vorisek, Dana
World Bank, Washington, DC
关键词: economic growth;    investment climate;    infrastructure;    human capital;    fiscal policy;   
DOI  :  10.1596/1813-9450-7991
RP-ID  :  WPS7991
来源: World Bank Open Knowledge Repository
【 摘 要 】

Investment growth in many emergingmarket and developing economies (EMDEs) has slowed sharplysince 2010. Investment growth performance has variedsignificantly across different regions, however. This paperexamines the temporal evolution of investment growth in sixEMDE regions, documents remaining investment needs,especially for infrastructure, and presents a set ofregion-specific policy responses to address these needs. Itreports three main findings. First, investment growth hasbeen particularly weak in EMDE regions with a large numberof commodity exporters. In regions with a substantial numberof commodity-importing economies, investment growth has beensomewhat resilient but has also declined steadily since2010. Second, sizable investment needs remain in most EMDEregions to make room for expanding economic activity andrapid urbanization. A sizeable portion of these investmentneeds is in infrastructure and human capital. Finally, whilespecific policy priorities vary across regions, severalpolicy options to address remaining investment needs applyuniversally. These include more, or more efficient, publicinvestment and measures to improve overall growth prospectsand the business climate. Improved project selection andmonitoring, as well as better governance, may enhance theefficiency and benefits from public investment.

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