Trade Policy and WTO Accession for Economic Development : Application to Russia and the CIS, Module 11. Antidumping and Other Measures of Contingent Protection
Navaretti, Giorgio Barba ; Del Pero, Angelica Salvi
This report summarizes the measures ofcontingent protection regulated by the WTO and theirpurposes. They can be divided into two categories. The firstone regards temporary provisions that can be used when apredefined set of circumstances legitimize temporaryincreases in import barriers. The second one includespermanent exceptions to the general obligations. Temporaryrestrictions allowed by the WTO are anti-dumping duties,countervailing duties, and safeguard measures, (tariffs toassist with balance of payments problems, tariffs to protectinfant industries, or tariffs for emergency protection).Permanent exceptions are general waivers from bindingobligations, which, in contrast with the other mechanisms,must be formally approved by the WTO Council.