This report presents an analysis of theEarly Childhood Development (ECD) programs and policies thataffect young children in Macedonia and recommendations tomove forward. The Systems Approach for Better EducationResults (SABER) initiative produces comparative data andknowledge on education policies and institutions, with theaim of helping countries systematically strengthen theireducation systems. SABER evaluates the quality of educationpolicies against evidence-based global standards, using newdiagnostic tools and detailed policy data.This report ispart of a series of reports prepared by the World Bank usingthe Systems Approach for Better Education Results(SABER-ECD) framework and includes analysis of earlylearning,health, nutrition and social and child protectionpolicies and interventions in Macedonia, along with regionaland international comparisons. SABER-ECD identifies threecore policy goals that countries should address to ensureoptimal ECD outcomes and they are as follows: 1)establishing an enabling environment; 2)implementing widely;and 3) monitoring and assuring quality. To conclude,Macedonia has successfully established many elements of astrong ECD system, including essential healthcare andstandards for early childhood education. It may need tostrengthen its intersectoral coordination and financesystems. The country’s biggest challenge may be how toexpand preprimary enrollment,especially to children frompoor families,while maintaining quality.