Papua New Guinea School Autonomy and Accountability : SABER Country Report 2013
World Bank Group
World Bank, Washington, DC
RP-ID  :  105166
来源: World Bank Open Knowledge Repository
【 摘 要 】

In 2011, the World Bank Group commenceda multi- year program designed to support countries insystematically examining and strengthening the performanceof their education systems. Part of the Bank’s new EducationSector Strategy, this evidence based initiative, calledSABER (Systems Approach for Better Education Results), isbuilding a toolkit of diagnostics for examining educationsystems and their component policy domains against globalstandards, best practices, and in comparison with thepolicies and practices of countries around the world. Byleveraging this global knowledge, the SABER tools fill a gapin the availability of data and evidence on what mattersmost to improve the quality of education and achievement ofbetter results. SABER School Autonomy and Accountability isthe first of three SABER domains to be implemented as partof phase two of the Pacific Benchmarking for EducationResults (PaBER) initiative. Funded by AusAID, the PaBERinitiative aims to link policy with implementation toidentify areas to strengthen policy, improve knowledgedissemination, and improve the quality ofeducation andstudent performance across the pacific. Specifically, thePaBER project focuses at the primary level of an educationsystem. The project concept and determination of three pilotcountries Samoa, the Solomon Islands, and Papua New Guineawas agreed upon at the Pacific Forum Education MinistersMeeting and isbeing coordinated through the Secretariat ofthe Pacific Board for Educational Assessment (SPBEA). TheSABER School Autonomy and Accountability tool assists inanalyzing how well developed the set of policies are in agiven country to foster managerial autonomy, assess results,and use information from assessments to promoteaccountability. The five main policy goals that can helpbenchmark an education system’s policies that enable schoolautonomy and accountability were as follows: 1) schoolautonomy in the planning and management of the schoolbudget; 2) school autonomy in personnel management; 3) roleof the School Council in school governance; 4) school andstudent assessments; and 5) accountability.

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