The Enterprise Surveys (ES) focus onmany aspects of the business environment. These factors canbe accommodating or constraining for firms and play animportant role in whether an economy’s private sector willthrive or not. An accommodating business environment is onethat encourages firms to operate efficiently. Suchconditions strengthen incentives for firms to innovate andto increase productivity — key factors for sustainabledevelopment. A more productive private sector, in turn,expands employment and contributes taxes necessary forpublic investment in health, education, and other services.Questions contained in the ES aim at covering most of thetopics mentioned above. The topics include infrastructure,trade, finance, regulations, taxes and business licensing,corruption, crime and informality, access to finance,innovation, labor, and perceptions about obstacles to doingbusiness. This document summarizes the results of theEnterprise Survey for Sierra Leone. Business owners and topmanagers in 152 firms were interviewed between July andSeptember 2017.