The highly variable climate of Malawisignificantly influences the amount, timing, and frequencyof precipitation resulting in frequent droughts and floods.In the 2015-2016 rainfall season Malawi was hit again byprolonged dry spells. In response to the dry spells, theGovernment of Malawi declared a state of disaster in April2016, and a post disaster needs assessment (PDNA) wasinitiated in mid-May under the leadership of the Governmentof Malawi, with the assistance of the World Bank and theUnited Nations (UN). The PDNA also developed a recoverystrategy for the 2015-2016 drought by defining and aligninga national recovery vision to long-term developmentobjectives and by formulating a multi-sector framework ofrecovery interventions, while ensuring building-back-betterand integrating gender and environmental considerations inthe recovery strategy. The assessment process utilized acombination of secondary data from similar assessments thatwere ongoing at that time, along with primary datacollection to fill in gaps and validate impacts. The PDNAdefines a strategy for recovery, including its financialimplications, while making recommendations to improve futuredrought resilience. The report is structured as follows:chapter one explains the background and objective of thePDNA; chapter two describes the country profile; chapterthree provides an analysis of the drought and an overview ofthe humanitarian consequences and the government’s immediateresponse; chapter 4 describes the approach and methodologyof the PDNA; chapter five summarizes the overall damages andlosses caused by the drought, as well as the recoverystrategies and needs for each of the sectors considered inthe assessment; chapter six describes the overallmacroeconomic impact of the drought; chapter seven presentsthe human and social impact of the drought, including agender analysis of specific sector recommendations forrecovery; chapter eight provides details for the droughtrecovery strategy on the basis of the sector analysis;chapter nine analyses the challenges and lessons learnedfrom the ongoing drought and recommendations for droughtrisk reduction and resilience; chapter ten summarizes thenext steps and the way forward.