This handbook intends to be a resourcefor those interested in trade policy reform, in Pakistan andelsewhere. It arose from the Pakistan trade and investmentpolicy program (PTIPP). The PTIPP was designed to work ontrade, competitiveness, and gender in Pakistan. Thishandbook focuses on two pillars of the PTIPP: trade policyand trade facilitation. The objective of the trade policypillar was to develop a comprehensive medium-term regionaltrade strategy underpinned by high-quality analysis, in linewith international good practice. The objective of the tradefacilitation pillar was to reduce the time, cost, anddocumentation required to process exports and importsthrough key border posts, leading to a substantial increasein the volume of goods traded. To achieve these objectives,the PTIPP engaged with policy-making institutions, theprivate sector, including female entrepreneurs, andgovernment to promote international trade, investment,gender equality, and regional integration. The authorsfocused on producing a document that not only lists resultsand recommendations but also guides the reader through howthe analysis was conducted and how the recommendations werereached. This handbook also provides a set of guidelines foranalyzing competitiveness in any country and shows how thelessons learned in Pakistan can apply to other economies. Itwill therefore be useful for teams conductingcompetitiveness analyses in other countries and regions.