For the 2014-2020 programming period,the Government of Romania (GoR) is considering a newapproach proposed by the European Commission (EC) -Community-Led Local Development (CLLD). CLLD comes with aunique set of challenges. These include making sure that theprocess is truly inclusive, community-led, transparent, andfocused on peer-to-peer learning across communities andother stakeholders. The GoR should carefully weigh potentialbenefits and risks of applying the CLLD approach and put inplace an adequate implementation framework with sufficientrisk mitigating measures before pursuing CLLD. The WorldBank undertook this advisory activity to help the GoR put inplace an implementation framework for CLLD in Romania,should it want to go ahead with this approach. It includes aproposed definition of urban marginalized communities, thepopulation group that the GoR wants to target by CLLD. Thedefinition is based on a review of the Romanian literatureon (urban) marginalization and on qualitative research inten cities. It also includes guidelines for CLLDimplementation based on EC guidance, extensive field work,and an assessment of lessons learned of similar programs inRomania and elsewhere. Moreover, detailed maps of urbanmarginalized areas across Romania are presented. These arebased on a set of indicators, for which data are availablein the 2011 Population and Housing Census dataset. Sixconceptual pilots have been prepared that are based onsimulated CLLD processes and can serve as examples formunicipalities/NGOs that could be applying for EU fundingthrough the CLLD approach, during the 2014-2020 programmingperiod. This extensive summary brochure presents a synopsisof all findings and messages across the outputs producedunder this activity.