To address woodfuel issues and developpolicies that incorporate woodfuels in a modern, sustainableenergy mix, policy-makers therefore need nuanced,landscape-specific assessments of the contribution ofwoodfuels to deforestation and forest degradation, thestructure and dynamics of commercial woodfuel value chains,and a better understanding of the current and future role ofwoodfuels in energy supplies. This study provides anoverview of the commercial woodfuels sector in Myanmar forpolicymakers and stakeholders to address these issues. Itconsists of three parts: (a) an assessment of woodfueldemand in Myanmar, estimating consumption by households,commercial catering, and industries. This was based onprimary data collected through field visits and phonesurvey, as well as compilation and re-analysis of previouswork; (b) in-depth investigation of selected woodfuel valuechains representing the diversity of the sector, to assesssupply-demand dynamics and identify hotspots of pressure onforest resources. This was based on field assessment ofprominent value chains and computer modeling of supply anddemand; and (c) drawing on these analyses, the study offersstrategies and policy options to support the development ofa sustainable woodfuels sector in Myanmar.