Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR)has made substantial progress in poverty reduction, despitethe fact that its resource-based development pattern hashistorically limited the impact of growth on povertyreduction. Although poverty declined, mirroring economicgrowth, the impact of growth on poverty reduction was low.As a result, the country lacks productive industries toabsorb labor and create high-quality jobs. The LaoStatistics Bureau (LSB) has conducted the LECS at five-yearintervals since 1992-1993.The LECS survey is the primarysource of official poverty statistics in Lao PDR, providingcritical information for monitoring progress on povertyreduction, identifying poor and vulnerable groups, andultimately informing government policies aimed at povertyeradication. This poverty assessment will provide insightsinto the success (or lack thereof) of poverty reduction inLao PDR during the past six years. The report will also helpidentify poor and vulnerable populations as well as emergingissues that have slowed progress toward inclusivedevelopment. The report is divided into two parts. Section 1provides updates on poverty and inequality in Lao PDR.Section 2 approaches key drivers of poverty and escaperoutes from poverty by topic.