The development of Maturity Matrices forInstitutional Benchmarking of Dam Safety in Indonesiaprovides a method for assessing the effectiveness of theoperation, maintenance, surveillance and emergencypreparedness programs adopted by dam authorities. Matriceswere developed for dam owners and operators to assess theeffectiveness of dam safety programs against in-countrystandards and guidelines, or, good industry practice asconsidered most appropriate. The matrices were developedthrough an iterative and consultative process that includeda detailed review of the legal hierarchy, specific damsafety regulations and technical guidelines, the roles andresponsibilities of the different institutions involved,followed by expert review and verification. The primarybenefit of using dam safety-related Maturity Matrices is toimprove the understanding of dam safety programs across arange of different metrics. This allows owners and operatorsto monitor performance over time and inform theprioritization of resources for dam operation, maintenanceand safety improvement. The matrices also allow regulatorybodies to assess performance across different owners andoperators, and contrast the effectiveness across dammanagement units to identify systemic issues and targetinterventions and remedies accordingly.