In the second half of 2013, the WorldBank secured grant funding from the Korea Green GrowthPartnership for analytical support and technical assistancerelated to sustainable urban transport systems in selectcities in Eastern Poland. Established in 2011, the KoreaGreen Growth Partnership strengthens cooperation between theGovernment of Korea and the World Bank Group to helpcountries achieve sustainable and inclusive development bydeveloping and sharing practical knowledge around innovativegreen growth solutions. The objective of the first phase ofthis technical assistance involved assessing the urbantransport sector in the selected cities, Bialystok, Lublin,Olsztyn, and Rzeszow, with a primary focus on publictransportation and the aim of identifying areas forimprovement. The second phase of this technical assistancewill focus on areas identified in the first phase, subjectto agreement from the participating cities, as well ascapacity building activities. This report provides a set ofrecommendations related to the legal and institutionalframework for urban transport in Poland; summarizes theassessment of urban mobility for Bialystok, Lublin, Olsztyn,and Rzeszow; and assesses the framework for inter-municipalcoordination in Poland.