European Journal of Sustainable Development Research
Development of Electric Urban Mobility: Comparative Research and Preliminary Survey
Francesco Asdrubali1  Leonardo Sabatini1  Sergio Maria Patella1  Stefano Carrese1 
[1] Department of Engineering, Roma Tre University, Rome, ITALY
关键词: urban mobility;    electric vehicles;    travelers behavior;   
DOI  :  10.20897/ejosdr/89694
来源: Lectito Journals
【 摘 要 】

The growing concerns about greenhouse gas emissions at the international level have shifted American and European policies to invest in sustainable mobility. Although substantial steps have been made in recent years, electric mobility is still not an integral part of today’s transport systems. The aim of the study is to provide a comparative overview of the Italian approach to electric mobility and to define future approaches that could be used. Our research used a web-based survey, applying standard statistical methods to data processing. From these results we defined the playing field of the current results, and the variables for the future development of electric urban mobility. This analysis has shown a gap in the knowledge of the results reached in recent years by consumers and displayed an interest in new types of ecological fuels. Regarding Italian policies, it is clear that major efforts in economic and infrastructural facilitations are needed. In addition, this analysis can be used in the future to check for any developments and to generate a larger dataset with other partners.

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