Republic of Zambia Systematic Country Diagnostic
World Bank Group
World Bank, Washington, DC
RP-ID  :  124032
来源: World Bank Open Knowledge Repository
【 摘 要 】

Zambia has successfully raised itsaverage annual gross domestic product (GDP) growth ratesince the early 2000s. Between 2004 and 2014, it averaged7.4 percent per year. This success was driven by animprovement in the macroeconomic indicators (relative to the1980s and 1990s), debt relief, heavy investment in thesocial sectors (by the government and cooperating partners),and a large increase in mining and agricultural productionsince 2004. This success raised average p Rapid urbanizationhas been accompanied by a decrease in urban povertyincidence, but masks sluggish growth in small towns andcities. After a decade of de-urbanization in the 1990s,urbanization has been an important driver of change over thepast 15 years. However, from 2000 to 2014, urban growth inZambia has been significantly more focused on the capitalcity than the average for Sub-Saharan Africa. The annualpopulation growth of Lusaka is over twice the average forSub-Saharan Africa (1 percent). In contrast, the share ofsecondary towns in Zambia is growing more slowly than in therest of Africa (by only 0.7 percent in Zambia compared with1.8 percent elsewhere). These disparities may exacerbateuneven territorial development, as small towns and citiesplay a crucial role in strengthening the links among firms;between firms and consumers; and within local, provincial,national, and international supply chains. er capita incomesafter decades of economic volatility since the country’sindependence in 1964. The current development model beingpursued has imposed environmental and resource liabilities.Agricultural growth has been based on increasing land userather than improved productivity, leading to rapiddeforestation. Mining activities have resulted in pollution,and Zambia also faces high and growing climate changeimpacts. Copper price volatility also continues to challengemacroeconomic and fiscal management. Debt levels have soaredto risky levels only 12 years after the Heavily IndebtedPoor Country (HIPC) and the Multilateral Debt ReliefInitiative (MDRI) programs provided US$6.5 billion of debtrelief from 2005.

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