Burkina Faso is a West African Sahelianlandlocked country covering 274,200 square kilometers. InJanuary 2015, the population was estimated at just over 17.9million. The capital city is Ouagadougou. The country has atropical climate with two very distinct seasons: dry andrainy. In the rainy season which lasts from May/June toSeptember, the country receives between 600 an d900 mm ofrainfall in the south, but less than 600 mm in the Sahel inthe north. Despite the hard climate the country hasagricultural and livestock-breeding potential thatrepresents around a quarter of GDP (2010-2014) and provide aliving for more than 80 percent of the population. BurkinaFaso is the top cotton producer in Africa. The principalsubsistence crops are sorghum, millet, corn, and rice. Thesecondary sector accounts for one-fifth of GDP, and miningin particular plays an important role in the Burkina Fasoeconomy. The tertiary sector, comprising manymicroenterprises, accounts for 45 percent of GDP. WhileBurkina Faso has been successful in reducing poverty, thisphenomenon is still high in the country. The objective ofthis report is to review the state of knowledge of theprofile and dynamics of poverty and to assess the tangibleachievements of Burkina Faso in the fight against povertyover the past decade, highlighting the major issues andobstacles in the march towards the twin goals.