The world today believes that supportingwomen entrepreneurs is vital for economic growth. Aseconomic opportunities increase, unprecedented numbers ofwomen are entering the world of business andentrepreneurship. The number of women entrepreneurs hasrisen in global economy including in developing countries.However, the majority of women entrepreneurs in developingcountries are still operating in small and micro enterpriseswith very little growth. Most women entrepreneurs runbusinesses in the informal and traditional female sectors.There is still prevalence of gender gaps in critical skillsto run successful businesses. While education for women ismaking major progress along the years, women often stilllack vocational and technical skills, as well as workexperience to enable them to run large businesses. Women arealso reported to be less likely to have access toinformation and communications technology (ICT) which playsa significant role in the highly integrated global market.The other constraint, that is major, is the lack of finance.This study aims to understand the specific characteristics,challenges, and opportunities of women entrepreneurs inIndonesia. By understanding the real condition of womenmicro-entrepreneurs in Indonesia, it is expected to be ableto define the right policy recommendation and supports topromote the women entrepreneurs. To be different to otherexisting study on MSMEs and women entrepreneurs, this studyinvestigate the large number of women entrepreneurs inIndonesia across provinces that cover java and non-javaregions. In addition, the study also shifts the focus frompoverty reduction to a growth imperative.