This Country Status Report (CSR) forLiberia is part of an ongoing series of country specificreports being prepared by the World Bank in collaborationwith governments and development partners. The series aimsto enhance the knowledge base for policy development. Thisreport is intended to help engage a diverse audience onissues and policies in the education sector and to develop ashared vision for the future of Liberia. It is the firstsector-wide report produced on the education system inLiberia since the end of the war. A policy options matrixfollows the executive summary, which will provide governmentand partners with guidance on the key priorities to tackle.Besides consolidating information in a policy-relevantmanner, this CSR makes a unique contribution to theeducation knowledge base by documenting not only traditionaland basic indicators, such as gross enrollment rates andretention, but also examining the performance of theeducation system in terms of access, quality, equity, andresource allocation and utilization. The report alsoincludes chapters on education governance and teachermanagement. This report highlights the country'ssignificant education progress since the end of the 14-yearcivil war in 2003 and the challenges that need to be addressed.